PHASE 1 - Nominee Submissions
PHASE 2 - Voting Period
PHASE 3 - Winners Announced
Spybot Search & Destroy

It has a thorough scan system and also an immunization feature to protect you against spyware or malware.
It also has a restore function should a good file accidentally get deleted you will be able to recover it.
With lots of great features and a strong ability to detect and remove spyware, SpyBot is a great way to keep your computer safe of spyware and malicious programs.

About Spybot Search & Destroy

Website: https://www.safer-networking.org
SpyBot-Search and Destroy is one of the most exciting names for a spyware/antivirus program and it lives up to its name, it can detect and remove a lot of adware files and other spyware from your computer.
It has the ability to clean up programs and track the web usage of your system, it includes a shredder so that you can ensure any files you want permanently deleted will definitely be gone forever.