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Software Search:

eraser secure data removal tool

Displaying 481 to 495 Results out of 596 Programs and Games Found
  • Intelligent standby list cleaner

    Intelligent standby list cleaner

    Keep track of standby memory and clear it when the free memory reaches a certain

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Intelligent standby list cleaner is Great!
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  • antimicro


    Map keyboard and mouse actions to your favorite gamepad or joystick easily and quickly.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    antimicro is Great!
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  • Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home Edition

    Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home Edition

    A powerful and versatile software that fulfills a number of functions other than recovering your PC. It can also repair virus infections, retrieve lost files, and unlock lost passwords.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home Edition is It Rocks!
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  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop is a professional image editing software for editing photos or creating professional graphics.

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    Rocky Bytes Score
    Adobe Photoshop is It Rocks!
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  • Animated Wallpaper Maker

    Animated Wallpaper Maker

    Create animated wallpapers using custom images and add effects!

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    Animated Wallpaper Maker is It Rocks!
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  • Winlock


    Use this security tool to restrict users from accessing various Windows resources and hotkeys without your approval!

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    Rocky Bytes Score
    Winlock is Great!
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  • Unity


    Unity is an application with tools and services designed for people who want to build a business designing multiplatform games and interactive content.

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    Unity is It Rocks!
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  • Hard Drive Inspector Professional

    Hard Drive Inspector Professional

    A professional disk inspector that monitors all your drives in real time, and has many user-friendly capabilities.

    Free Trial
    Rocky Bytes Score
    Hard Drive Inspector Professional is Very Good!
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  • Incogniton


    A user friendly way to access multiplpe unique browser profiles.

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    Rocky Bytes Score
    Incogniton is Very Good!
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  • Windows 11 Debloater

    Windows 11 Debloater

    Windows 11 comes with a ton of different features, most of which are pretty useless to the average user. Use this program to get rid of them.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Windows 11 Debloater is Great!
    Total Downloads
  • Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

    Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

    Overhaul Skyrim's skill system with this fantastic mod!

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim is Great!
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  • FL Studio

    FL Studio

    FL Studio is a professional audio editing, creation and manipulation program.

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    FL Studio is It Rocks!
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  • Total Character Makeover

    Total Character Makeover

    Give every character in Skyrim a makeover to improve the overall look of Skyrim.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Total Character Makeover is Great!
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  • RogueKiller


    RogueKiller is a tool written in C++ that scans every running process and kills the malicious ones!

    Rocky Bytes Score
    RogueKiller is Great!
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  • DMD


    A software compiler that lets users perform tasks via a command line, with support for D language programming.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    DMD is Very Good!
    Total Downloads

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