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Our Top Software section gives you a great mix of the best software available on Rocky Bytes rated by our experts. It combines the number of user downloads with the rating that our experts have given it! Furthermore if you are a gamer, you can see the more successful Game Downloads and their scores!

Displaying 3961 to 3980 Results out of 6532 Programs and Games Found
  • Fruit Kitchens No.03 Navel Orange

    Fruit Kitchens No.03 Navel Orange

    In this entry of the series, find seven oranges scattered throughout the kitchen.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Fruit Kitchens No.03 Navel Orange is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #099

    7 DIFFERENCES #099

    A girl frog joins the gang in the second to last entry of this massively long series.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #099 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #098

    7 DIFFERENCES #098

    There are two pictures of the toy crew celebrating an Asian festival together. Find the differences between them.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #098 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #087

    7 DIFFERENCES #087

    A toy bear and chicken are spending some quality time together outside next to a flowerbed. Find the differences between the two pictures.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #087 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #085

    7 DIFFERENCES #085

    In this entry of the series where you find some differences between two pictures, a frog and his friends are moving some boxes around.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #085 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #083

    7 DIFFERENCES #083

    The frog is lounging outside a house getting a suntan in this next entry of the series.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #083 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #069

    7 DIFFERENCES #069

    There are two pictures of a feminine pink bedroom and you need to find the seven differences between them.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #069 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #063

    7 DIFFERENCES #063

    The three toys are having a meal in a winter wonderland. Find the differences between the two pictures taken.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #063 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #062

    7 DIFFERENCES #062

    The three felt toys are having a meal together in the next entry of this series.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #062 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #058

    7 DIFFERENCES #058

    There are two cute pictures of toys interacting with each other in a library. You need to find the differences between the pictures.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #058 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #057

    7 DIFFERENCES #057

    There are two pictures of three friends having an oriental picnic outdoors. Find the differences between them.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #057 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #048

    7 DIFFERENCES #048

    The man is trying to stealthily access a security system in this next entry of the series where you find the difference between the pictures.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #048 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #047

    7 DIFFERENCES #047

    There are two pictures of a man trying to hack into a keypad. Try to find the differences between them.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #047 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #039

    7 DIFFERENCES #039

    In this entry, the man is trying to recall a phone number.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #039 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #037

    7 DIFFERENCES #037

    We're introduced to a third character in this entry, who's just sitting and relaxing on a couch.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #037 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #033

    7 DIFFERENCES #033

    Here are two pictures of a man staring at a glass ball.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #033 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #029

    7 DIFFERENCES #029

    The first entry in this series with some nice pixel art! Find the differences this time in some beautiful pixel art.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #029 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • Escape a Halloween Candy Shop

    Escape a Halloween Candy Shop

    You've been trapped inside a candy store and need to find a way to escape.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    Escape a Halloween Candy Shop is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • 7 DIFFERENCES #008

    7 DIFFERENCES #008

    Find the differences between two pictures of a beat trying his best to move a phonograph.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    7 DIFFERENCES #008 is Very Good!
    Total Downloads
  • The Circle 1: 22 Auditorium of Bull Fighting

    The Circle 1: 22 Auditorium of Bull Fighting

    The next step in your quest to lock down all dark souls is in the bull fighting arena.

    Rocky Bytes Score
    The Circle 1: 22 Auditorium of Bull Fighting is Very Good!
    Total Downloads